Llewellyn King at Forbes writes about Purify Fuel’s quest to make diesel fuel cleaner and more efficient. Read the full article here.

King goes into detail about the history and ubiquity of the diesel engine, with more than 400 million units in service around the world:

I’ve seen them from single-cylinder, corn-grinding mills in Zimbabwe to maritime engines of 14 or more cylinders that power tankers and container ships. The largest of these, built by the Finnish company Wartsila, tops out at 107,000 horsepower.

King also writes about the role of Purify Fuel in cleaning up diesel:

Enter Purify Fuel, a small but determined Houston company, with its nanO2 Combustion Catalyst. Test results suggest a revolution may be at hand: a reduction in pollution of 30 percent to 60 percent, and fuel savings of 6 percent to 9 percent and better.

Finally, King mentions the third-party tests carried out by NRE Power Systems, showing dramatic improvements to the performance of diesel:

Fuel use was extended between 7.3 percent and 8.9 percent, NRE stated. Environmental improvements were quite startling: Carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) were both substantially reduced.

Purify Fuel is commited to making diesel cleaner and more power efficient, and we are grateful to Llewellyn King and Forbes for helping us tell our story.


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Contact Information

Carleen Lyden Walker

Chief Marketing Officer, Purify Fuel


+1 (203) 260 0480‬